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About Us

Rev. Darby Mackenzie Line, CCA

Darby Line is a seasoned professional who brings to her work a combination of technical expertise, mature groundedness, prayerful heart-centeredness, and finely tuned intuition.

She has accrued well over 2,000 hours of professional training in multiple bodywork modalities since 1994. A certified clinical aromatherapist, she has been teaching the safe and effective uses of essential oils since 2002. She is an approved provider of continuining education for massage therapists in Florida, and is also a Reiki Master.

The daughter of an Episcopal priest, with a broad knowledge of many faith traidions, Darby Is a graduate of One Spirit Learning Alliance in New York, and was ordained an interfaith minister after completing One Spirit's intense 2-year program.

Prior to entering the holistic wellness field, Darby earned a bachelor's degree in music and Russian from Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA, and a master's degree in journalism from Marshall University, Huntington, WV. She has worked in the fields of aging services, sales, public relations, international cultural exchange, and broadcast journalism.