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Moonflower Wellness

Welcome to Moonflower Wellness - the spiritual and aromatherapy practice of Rev. Darby Mackenzie Line, CCA.

Moonflowers are pretty amazing. They're beautiful, and they're tough. They can survive and even thrive in the harshest of climates and poorest of soils. Their lush, hardy green leaves never need much watering. And they can produce tender, fragile, luminous flowers with a minimum of care.

Kind of like many people I know and admire.

Through guidance in the use of essential oils, the wisdom of great spiritual traditions, and the creation of meaningful ceremonies, Moonflower Wellness seeks to:

  • Nurture the core of your being so you can re-set your inner balance and reconnect with your center.
  • Replenish the serenity and inner peace that live within you.
  • Support your body through the phases of the life cycle.
  • Nourish your soul, and to help you come back into balance physically, mentally, and spiritually.

The effects can be monumental.
When you feel more centered, you are happier, healthier, and more productive. And those in your life can't help but be affected, too.

Experience for yourself the difference our years of experience and knowledge can offer you. Let us help you celebrate, thrive, and blossom, no matter what landscape you're planted in.

Rev. Darby Mackenzie Line

Interfaith Ceremonies

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